Lay a better foundation for your life, faith, and ministry.
Two tracks, one goal: education that serves the church.
Bible and Theology
Offered for those who want a better understanding of the biblical and theological foundations of the Christian faith. Each course involves seven weeks of reading and reflection on your own, with a two-day, in-person retreat in the eighth week. Each course costs $450. Retreats are held at a conference or retreat center where meals and housing are included. Course materials are not. This is not an academic degree. There are no papers or tests, and courses can be taken alone (though applicants who pursue the whole certificate will be admitted first).
Christian Ministry
Offered for those who want to better understand what we do as believer and as the church. Each course involves seven weeks of reading and reflection on your own, with a two-day, in-person retreat in the eighth week. The retreats are held on site at a church or ministry selected by the teaching fellow. Each course costs $200, and course materials, meals, and housing are on your own. This is not an academic degree. There are no papers or tests, and courses can be taken alone (though applicants who pursue the whole certificate will be admitted first).